The LED DISPLAY’s basic hardware layer is the LAST CIRCUIT BOARD, a white, etoy engineered, square plate (50x 50cm) that holds 64 SMD LEDs (30 mA each) and two chips, the pixel modules.

The architecture provided by Troia/ included hardware components addressing the LEDs and software that deals with formats, conversions and protocols. Both, the hard- and software architecture follows a modular approach in which all components are communicating via the TCP/IP protocol. The Code is available under the GNU Public License.

Troia has been created as a theater architecture installation (

The LAST CIRCUIT BOARD displays the info-sphere generated by people during their lifes and at the same time functions as the last resting place for the same users: once a PILOT dies his or her mortal remains connect to the hardware to close the circuit. By replacing a pixel for each PILOT who dies, the M∞ TERMINUS is mounted directly on the LAST CIRCUIT BOARD and wired into the pixel system which then addresses the LED on with status information.

The LAST CIRCUIT BOARD translates the serial input from the distribution server and modules into pulse width modulation (PWM) that determines the gray scale value of each pixel.